Basic Spanish Phrases Vocabulary for Beginners
Learning a new language can seem challenging, but mastering some basic phrases can make a big difference. Here is a list of essential Spanish phrases to help you communicate in everyday situations. Additionally, we’ve included explanations to help you understand how and when to use them. Let’s get started!
Greetings and Farewells
- Hola: Hello. This is the most common greeting and can be used at any time of the day.
- Buenos días: Good morning. Used from early morning until noon.
- Buenas tardes: Good afternoon. Perfect for use from noon until evening.
- Buenas noches: Good evening / Good night. Used both for greeting in the evening and for saying goodbye before going to bed.
- Adiós: Goodbye. A formal farewell.
- Hasta luego: See you later. Less formal than “adiós.”
- Nos vemos: See you. Common among friends or acquaintances.
Introducing Yourself
- ¿Cómo te llamas?: What’s your name? Literally means “How do you call yourself?”
- Me llamo…: My name is… A direct response to the previous question.
- ¿De dónde eres?: Where are you from? A question to learn someone’s origin.
- Soy de…: I am from… The answer to indicate your country or city of origin.
- Mucho gusto: Nice to meet you. A polite phrase when meeting someone new.
- Igualmente: Likewise. The proper response to “Mucho gusto.”
Polite Expressions
- Por favor: Please. Used to make polite requests.
- Gracias: Thank you. An essential word to show gratitude.
- De nada: You’re welcome. The typical response to “Gracias.”
- Perdón: Excuse me / Sorry. Can be used to apologize or get someone’s attention.
- Con permiso: Excuse me. Said before passing through a narrow space or interrupting.
- Disculpe: Excuse me (formal). Ideal in formal situations or addressing strangers.
Everyday Phrases
- ¿Cuánto cuesta?: How much does it cost? Perfect for shopping.
- La cuenta, por favor: The bill, please. Useful in restaurants.
- No entiendo: I don’t understand. To clarify when something is unclear.
- ¿Puede repetir, por favor?: Can you repeat, please? Very useful to avoid misunderstandings.
- Habla más despacio, por favor: Speak more slowly, please. Especially important for beginners.
- ¿Dónde está el baño?: Where is the bathroom? An essential question for any traveler.
Basic Numbers
- Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco: One, two, three, four, five. Knowing how to count is useful in many situations.
- Seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez: Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Keep practicing until you master the numbers.
Emergency Phrases
- ¡Ayuda!: Help! A short but vital word.
- ¿Dónde está el hospital?: Where is the hospital? Important in case of medical issues.
- Llame a la policía, por favor: Call the police, please. In emergency situations.
- Estoy perdido/a: I am lost. Indicates that you need directions.
Final Tips
To improve your pronunciation and understanding, practice these phrases out loud and, if possible, with native speakers. Remember that making mistakes is part of the learning process, so don’t be afraid to use these phrases. Over time, you’ll feel more confident speaking Spanish!